Getting started

Welcome!  I'm Carol - the "farm wife".  I carry many titles, but this one is my highest honor.  I was raised in a small town and married a farmer when I was only 21. I've been a farmer's wife for over three decades now and finally have time (now that our three sons are grown) to fully embrace this farming lifestyle. When a family member began having skin problems, I sought out how to make my own soaps at home with ingredients I know and trust. My hand crafted soaps alleviated his skin problems, and along the journey, I realized I REALLY ENJOY MAKING SOAP! I've always been a maker at heart, and each time I made something, my oldest son would say, "Mom, you should sell that". I finally listened.  

Thank you, Mitch!  

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1 comment

You are so talented can’t wait to come visit !

Vickie Fisher

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